AIxIA 2024 - October 16 & 17

The 5th Franco-German AI conference took place under the topic 'Scaling Up Innovation: From Prototypes to Productive Use' on October 16 and 17 at the Smart Production Park in Karlsruhe

Program 2024

October 16, 2024  Session Overview

at the Smart Production Park Karlsruhe (Rintheimer Straße 23, 76131 Karlsruhe)


  • Navigating the EU AI Act: From Regulation to Application
  • Exploring Edge AI and Robotics Integration to improve industrial processes
  • Value Generating with AI: Strategies for Successful Deployment
  • Resource Efficiency through AI: practical applications to save time, money and energy
  • GenAI@work from hype to “how is it going practically in my company”
  • AI as User Interface and User Interface for AI: do’s & don’ts

Panel Discussions

  • European AI Way – Deep Talk: Franco-German Paths in Europe
  • Data – Cloud - AI: Crafting a Synergistic Future for Germany, France & Europe

And more...

  • Start up Pitches: AI Ideas of the future
  • Networking
  • Keynote

October 17, 2024: Workshops

Fraunhofer IOSB; Hochschule Karlsruhe - HKA

The legislative process of the European AI Act was accompanied by a controversial discussion about its effect on innovation and acceptance of AI systems. Now, meanwhile adopted, the question is how to deal with it in a constructive way, also in the context of the related EU Data Act and the Data Governance Act. In this workshop the AI Act will be discussed with respect to its consequences on AI Systems Engineering. Which are the guidelines to follow by AI System engineers, providers and users?

KIT- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Wuerttemberg (ZSW)

Explore the practical application of reinforcement learning and AutoML! In this workshop, the KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and the ZSW (Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg) will present how the IT framework FRAMESS and tool KI-Lab.EE can be used to solve problems directly from practice with automated AI. Both tools were developed in-house at the institutes. KI-Lab.EE is freely available, while FRAMESS is not freely accessible but can be adapted to specific system requirements in customer projects. You will first receive an introduction to the respective tools and then solve typical problems independently with our support.

FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

In this dynamic session, we'll showcase cutting-edge innovations in mobility, autonomous driving, and logistics, driven by advancements in AI and cybersecurity technologies. Participants will do an immersive tour in the FZI House of Living Labs, getting to know sustainable and inclusive demonstrators and will engage in lively discussions and collaborative brainstorming sessions using participatory formats to explore emerging trends and co-create ideas to shape the future of mobility. This workshop is an opportunity to be at the forefront of transformative change in the mobility landscape.

CyberForum e.V.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a game-changer across all sectors, transforming the way businesses operate. This session will kick off with a workshop that allows participants to delve into the many ways AI is reshaping business models and operations, helping organizations stay ahead in today's fast-moving digital world. In addition, a discussion session will be held together with the Kompetenzzentrum KARL, enabling participants to engage in lively discussions around the application of AI.

TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe (TRK), CAS Software AG

How can Artificial Intelligence transform the public sector and make it future-proof? In our workshop "Transforming Governance: AI Trends in the Public Sector," we explore the latest trends and solutions in AI and their applications in public administration. This workshop offers a unique platform to discuss innovative approaches and learn from each other. This workshop is designed for professionals and leaders not only in the public sector who want to understand and leverage the potential of AI technologies for their organizations. Join us and actively shape the future of public administration or your organization!

Steinbeis Europa Zentrum

This workshop will take place in hybrid. You can either participate on-site or online. During this workshop, we will jointly explore what the benefits of international, especially European research, technology and innovation (RTDI) collaboration are, how pitfalls can be circumvented and how successful collaborations can be initiated in practice. The workshop will be very interactive and we are looking forward to investigating which cultural similarities and differences the participants have observed already during past collaborations and which concrete collaboration ideas they are eager to further explore in the future. The workshop is open to and will benefit from participation of companies, both small and large ones, as well as public organisations and other stakeholders.

AIxIA 2024 Highlights:

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